
Conferences & Events

We are going to the nations preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many miracles are taking place with signs and wonders.

Join our New Mentorship School!

Do you feel the calling of God burning on the inside? 

Do you feel called to impact your generation through any aspect of the ministry?


We have launch a Brand New Academy that combines LIVE Zoom Calls, Pre-Recorded classes, PDF Files, Community building, and opportunity for Intl Mission Trips in order to train and equip you to fulfill your calling!

Topics Include: Finding Your Calling, Evangelism, The Healing Ministry, Finances in the Ministry, Growing on Social Media to Share the Gospel, Transcultural Missions, and much more!

We already have people from 4 different nations inside the program!

Book a call with us by e-mailing us at [email protected] in order to get all details and join!

We will connect you with the program!


GET Pastor Hermes' New Book!

"3 Metrics of The Heart" is a compact but powerful revelation from God's Word that will cause you to discern your own spiritual condition. Truth that will empower you to go further in your walk with Christ!

Price: US$ 15.00 (Shipping Included for the US)


Being You

Get this powerful new book by Pastor Hermes Falcao Jr. It contains a rich revelation of we become in Christ once we are born again and how we can live our purpose on the earth. It's going to transform your life!


Price US$ 20.00 (Shipping Included for the US)

Join us for our Miracle Mission to Rio 2025!

We are taking a team to our Miracle Mission to Rio 2025

May 12-20, 2025


As part of the team you will participate in conferences, evangelism, revival and miracle meetings, outreaches to the poor, open air meetings, and much more!

You will be trained and equipped to experience and release God's presence and power firsthand.

Send us an e-mail at [email protected] and fill out your application!



"The Truth About Divine Healing"

Divine healing has been one of the most controversial topics in the modern-day western church. However, when we read the Scriptures, we see that it was a key factor in the earthly ministry of Jesus. The disciples followed the footsteps of Jesus and practiced divine healing by faith in His name. That was not just the privilege of the 12 apostles of Christ as the Bible says that Stephen was a deacon but performed great wonders and signs among the people (Acts 6:8).

In this book, Pastor Hermes Falcao Jr. brings a powerful biblical teaching filled with revelation from the Word as well as practical experience about this raw faith for healing that was initiated by Jesus. The message of the gospel includes divine healing as an accompanying sign. The compassion of Christ remains the same for those who are sick and broken in this lost and fallen world we live in.

The miracles of the Lord have been following this message as Hermes has seen demonstrated in many nations around the world. Now, the Lord wants to use you as a mighty vessel that brings glory to the name of Jesus through salvation and healing. Are you ready?


Do you have a desire to be used by God? Do you want to experience the power of God flow through you and be in an atmosphere where miracles are the norm?

Revival Explosion TV

Be inspired by biblical teaching from Pastor Hermes Falcao Jr.


Hermes & Gabriella Falcao


Get to know more about us!



If you love missions and want to help us with the fulfillment of the Great Commission around the world, get a shirt with a minimum donation of US$25.00



"“This School has been significant, inspirational, and encouraging for me. The teachings are anointed and Bible-based. Everything I learned has become real in my life on the very next day! I recommend you to join the School and get ignited!”"

Ilkka Martikainen

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Become Part Of Our Online School of Ministry

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